The international Kate Bush fanzine Under The Ivy appeared in 1985 and 1986, with six issues. The fanzine was run by Simon Williams, Carmel Whelton, Pauline Whelton and Andrew Whiteside.

Rather curiously they presented the fanzine as “a protest against the traditional Kate crawly-bum-lick crowd”. The fanzine was meant as a means of “enjoying ourselves at the expense of the terminally over-serious Lionhearts with their vegetarian and animal rights fixations”.

The fanzine was under scrutiny for the fact that Simon Williams released a Kate Bush interview 7″ single on coloured vinyl in 1986, featuring the sound of An Interview With Kate Bush, released by EMI America in Canada in 1985. Williams tried to make it look like this bootleg 7″ single was released by Dave Cross (associated with the fanzine Homeground), but some investigation revealed the true identity of the culprit. It didn’t take long before the fanzine Under The Ivy ceased publication.