Not the Nine O’Clock News is a British television comedy sketch show which was broadcast on BBC2 from 1979 to 1982. Originally shown as a comedy alternative to the Nine O’Clock News on BBC1, it featured satirical sketches on current news stories and popular culture, as well as parody songs, comedy sketches, re-edited videos, and spoof television formats. The show featured Rowan Atkinson, Pamela Stephenson, Mel Smith, and Griff Rhys Jones, as well as Chris Langham in the first series.
A total of 27 episodes of 25–30 minute duration were produced over four series.
16 October–20 November 1979: six episodes (and 1 unaired pilot episode)
31 March–12 May 1980: seven episodes
27 October–15 December 1980: eight episodes
1 February–8 March 1982: six episodes
On the episode of 3 November 1980, Pamela Stephenson did a Kate Bush parody, performing a song called Oh England My Leotard, featuring elements of Kate’s song Them Heavy People.