British television talk show which was broadcast on BBC1 from 1982 until 1992, presented by Terry Wogan. The show was generally broadcast live from BBC Television Theatre in Shepherd’s Bush, London until 1991. It was then broadcast from the BBC Television Centre. Some shows were pre-recorded, but broadcast unedited, ‘as live’. Wogan ended its run in July 1992 (it was replaced by the soap opera Eldorado).
Kate appeared on this programme four times. On 5 August 1985 she presented the song Running Up That Hill, in a performance later shown on MTV in America in place of the actual video. On 31 October 1986 she performed the song Experiment IV with a guest appearance by Nigel Kennedy. On 6 December 1989 she performed the song This Woman’s Work. Finally, on 16 December 1991 she performed the song Rocket Man.
- Running Up That Hill. YouTube, retrieved 23 September 2017.
- Experiment IV. YouTube, retrieved 23 September 2017.
- This Woman’s Work. YouTube, retrieved 23 September 2017.
- Rocket Man. YouTube, retrieved 23 September 2017.