The New Heaven and The New Earth centers around the compositions of Roger Alejandro Martinez and the production work of Jeffrey Russ. Martinez, who for years had been writing songs in various bands, found himself bored with the conventions of the indie-rock world. Russ, a classically trained cellist, found himself restricted by the dogma of music academia. When Martinez showed Russ a set of recordings he was working on, the two began collaborating. The result was their debut EP ‘All Saints’ Day’ (2009), a collection of dark, vocal-harmony laden chamber pop songs, set to lyrics that deal with mythology, madness and death.
Shortly hereafter, The New Heaven and The New Earth began touring as a three piece band, placing the expansive sound of the EP into a more intimate setting.
In 2010 they contributed a track to the compilation album ‘A Cure For The Broken Hearted’. In 2013, just before the band went on hiatus, they recorded a cover version of Army Dreamers, which was included in the compilation album Running Up That Hill: Kate Bush Covers For Reproductive Rights.