1989 television film written by Peter Richardson and Pete Richens, directed by Peter Richardson, and part of The Comic Strip Presents series of programmes. It parodies a Hollywood telling of the 1980’s takeover of the Greater London Council by Ken Livingstone and the subsequent disbanding of that body by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, re-imagining the story as a Charles Bronson/Sylvester Stallone-style action movie, with Brigitte Nielsen as Margaret Thatcher and Charles Bronson as GLC leader “Red” Ken Livingstone. Jennifer Saunders plays Nielsen playing Thatcher and Robbie Coltrane plays Charles Bronson in the role of Livingstone. Dawn French plays Cher in the role of nuclear disarmament advocate Joan Ruddock, who here provides a love interest for Red Ken.
Kate’s compositions for the soundtrack complete the illusion by parodying a Hollywood style film score. The theme song is Ken, the climactic battle is scored with The Confrontation, and the closing theme is One Last Look Around The House Before We Go. The soundtrack also features a fragment of Waking The Witch. The extended 12″ single version of Running Up That Hill can be heard in the background in a scene set in a discotheque.
- GLC: The Carnage Continues… IMDB, retrieved 12 September 2017.
- GLC: The Carnage Continues… Wikipedia, retrieved 12 September 2017.