Animation, written and directed by Kate and set to the radio edit of Snowflake. Released on 25 October 2024. In the film, a little shrew is searching for hope across a war-torn city. The film was made available online along with an encouragement to donate to the charity Warchild.

Kate about Little Shrew

Although I’d initially thought to make the character a human child – a little girl – I settled on the idea of a Caucasian pygmy shrew (Ukrainian shrew): a tiny, fragile little creature. I felt that people might have more empathy for a vulnerable little animal than a human…

Kate BUSH website, 25 October 2024


Written and directed by Kate Bush
Animation Co : Inkubus
Production Co: Tomato Twist
Animation producer: Gayle Martin
Animation compositor: Lorenzo Cenci Di Bello
Little Shrew animation: Nicolette Van Gendt
Hope and drone animation: James Gifford
Concept artwork: Jim Kay
Little Shrew Rendering: Alan Henry
Background artwork: Nicolas Loudot
Still photo: Maksim Levin
Lead vocal: Albert McIntosh
Piano: Kate Bush
Orchestration: Jonathan Tunick
Guitars: Dan McIntosh
Drums and percussion: Steve Gadd
Atmospheric SFX : Jon Carin
